... construction company. One of my jobs is to enter in credit card receipts and reconcile the credit card statement at the end of the month.
The owner of the company, every month, will put thousands of dollars on the company credit card for personal purchases. Food, clothes, electronics, movies, personal loans for himself, the down payment on a truck for his daughter’s boyfriend, a trip for him and his wife for their anniversary. And as of now, the group of guys that we use as laborers, are working to finish a remodel on his house. And none of this is being paid back.
My question is, is any of this legal? And if so what should I do???
This is a very small company. I’m the newbie and everyone else that works for the company is either family or a close friend of the family.
I’ve also tried to do research on this subject but haven’t been able to find a clear answer. It doesn’t feel right that all of this money should go to him and he doesn’t have to pay anything back to the company. And I want to make sure I don’t end up as some kind of scapegoat in case of an audit!!
Please anyone with any information or experience on this, any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!!!