I need this answered for Honors History, must be well answered/typed.
Responses (1)
When two or more people live in the same area they have to adopt some rules about who does what to whom. Any such rule is called a more, pronounced "mor-ay". The adjective form is moral, and the habit of following mores is morality. Mores do not have to be right, only accepted. Another group on the other side of the river might have very different mores. A collection of mores defines a culture or society. In general, a society is based on interests and a culture is based on location, but there is a lot of overlap in the descriptions.
My point is that a society is not created, it is built: one rule at a time. The strongest example out of the middle ages is the Anglo-Saxon common law, which is the base for all American laws. In other countries they follow the Napoleonic Code or some other collection of assumptions. In common law the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. In Napoleonic Code the reverse is practiced.
I realize this is not really an answer to your question. That is because I am not trying to do your assignment for you.