How culture influence our beliefs and values?

Answers (2)

What exactly do you think 'culture' means? It comes from an old word for a plow. Related words are cult, cultivate, colon and colony. A growth of bacteria or yeast in a lab setting is called a culture. A lot of people think it means high quality art. It also means a group of people with well defined customs, but no definition of what those customs ought to be. By that definition, cultures can be very different. One thing we notice is that people who never travel think their local customs are laws of the universe.

Beliefs and values are likewise hard to nail down. The bottom line is if you think there is a connection, it is up to you to point it out and find examples to support your opinion.

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Cultural relativism: the principle that an individual's beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual's own culture.

This means what is and is not appropriate is understood by local social norms. The smallest view of as an example would be family practices and the largest as an example would be global practices. However cultural relativistic culture can be defined by physical boundaries, social boundaries, religious, political, racial, etc.

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