... Hi, Im a 15 year old who watches the arrow, flash and nikita. There are 3 characters that are my fictional idols, they would be felicity, birkhoff and cisco. I want to have all the knowledge they have. I have no basic knowledge of computers of material-like things based science like cisco has. The computer science career is the one i have chosen to be in. Once again, i have no knowledge of this things but i believe that i could learn. i would take extra classes if i have to. The question im asking is what kind of knowledge do they have? What career field is it? how could i become them?
Responses (1)
I was a former C++ programmer for the big company blizzard. You see if you really want to achieve something, you have to work hard for it. That's what I did, right after school I'd read books about programming. I started with HTML and CSS, after I learned those I started seeing results like I could make my own website etc. I was very happy at thia point and I started learning more advanced scripts like Java, C shark and C++. So everything ia possible, just believe in yourself. Hope this helped and good luck with programming :)