When I was younger ever male model in my life dissapointed me and hurt me! I worked through it and I moved on! I could never trust any form of male figure! Then I met this amazing guy, that I felt from the beginning I can trust, I felt safe, loved, everything I ever wanted to feel! Until I caught him lying to me! He was lying about a girl! It was the girl before me they didn't really date but they went to out together but nothing happend between them! I saw messages where he told her he missed her! I spoke to him about it, but he said it was as a friend! Yes he did like her etc etc but nothing came of it! This girl kept on sms emailing him and he just kept on hiding it from me! Every time I caught him he said no they not talking anymore but he lied! I really love him so much! About 9months ago he caught this girl lying about things that she said that I was doing for eg deleting him of her facebook and he realized that that she is trying to make nonsens in our relationship! Since then he hasn't talked to her! I'm just so hurt and broken I can't get myself to trust him 100% again! I really want to but I'm so scared of getting hurt again! I've lost myself! I miss being my happy, crazy, fun loving self! Can anyone please help me! :-( :-( :-( :-(