My fiance has autism and depression(I have depression as well), I've known for years and I still gladly went out with her, she is an amazing person and I wouldn't trade her for anything. The only problem is that we fight.. a lot. Mainly due to misunderstandings and honesty factors as she is sensitive and is quick to bash on herself for 'failing' to make me happy and things like that. Due to not wanting to upset her, I withhold my negative feelings on things she talks about, if I don't like it, I just say I do and leave it at that. She doesn't realize I'm lying but I feel bad and I want to be able to be more open with her. She's the sweetest girl and despite the fights we mesh really well together and really enjoy ourselves and even fighting neither of us could imagine leaving each other. As I'm sure you've gathered, this isn't something you can say 'break up' over, we're soulmates. She's had a difficult past, as have I, but she's been hurt pretty bad by her past relationships and I'm afraid to do anything that might vaguely be similar to them.. I just want to know if there is a way to speak to her that will lessen the fights a bit.