I need help overcoming my writers block. I am 16 and write stories on Wattpad and last night, I found my second chapter (as I was writing), to be difficult to keep going. I felt like I was just rambling on and on, with really no point to the chapter. How can I overcome this?
Responses (2)
A good way to overcome writer's block is to take a break from writing for a while, especially when one is asking the question "What's the point?"
When I was your age, I had a lot of trouble with that. Everybody told me I should be a writer. Problem was, I had nothing to say.
Suggested solution: Do something else. I'm not talking about TV or a puzzle, or even another writing project. Just go out and get involved in something different. Chores, volunteer work, a special interest campaign, a zombie walk... Hell, even LARPing is better than sitting alone pulling your hair out. Just get some new experiences, and before you know it, the juices will start flowing again.