I am a teen mom and I want to help young teen girls who are having sex unpertected and not taking the steps to not get pregnant. How or where can I go so i can get my story out? Then maybe that one girl will read my story and not do what i did.
Responses (4)
I think you should start a home Group they can help for young girl and you may be able to get some money on the side plus it could really help out lots of people . Like if a young girl was going to through some things their mom or them selves could come and talk to you in a group that could be every week
Make you a web page about your story and as you talk to young teens tell them about that web page. Go the schools and talk to them set up a time to speak to them and tell them your story. A home is not a bad idea to get started. Just know as I take them in and there are a lot to do and learn from. There are some that will use you. have rules and keep with it.