so this is my story, I am 17 year old guy. we went out for only a month and we broke up but i haven't been over it at all. I still want him back badly. Adrian is a very closet gay. people know about this are only me and his mother. He is very afraid of people knowing it. But we were together, Adrian was an absolutely different person, he was outgoing, pretty crazy. After our first time, He told me ''he is not ready'' and we have to slow down. I'm very hurt, but we were still together. we did crazy things together but he was always afraid of his family' suspect. we never hugged in public. I turned to be possessive, needy guy that wanted him to text me first all the time and everyday. Until one day, he didn't text me in 4 hours, i got mad and said some crazy words to him. the next day, he said he can't do it. He is not ready for this. '' you are too needy ''. he said. its been over 9 months now but i still want him because i figured out that it was also my fault. i regretted it. but i don't think we broke up because he didn't like me just some misunderstandings that i was always very very jealous of him and his friends. Adrian has always been very afraid of his family's suspect on us. that might have been the cause that we broke up. What should i do? i just want another chance to show him that all i was trying to do is to give him my love as much as i can. Please help me.