My father,got so mad at my friend because he was getting something for me. He told him to sit down, then started cursing and yelling so loudly that my neighbors heard. They even called my mom (who was shopping at the time) to ask if everything's all right. My friend is twelve and I'm 13. He's dealing with a lot of issues with anxiety right now, so this was not at all helpful for him. I listened to the whole conversation, I was so traumatized that I didn't shout back to protect my friend. What should I do when I have so much anger towards my dad? Because I think he broke up yet another one of my best friends. I used to have tons of friend, but now I maybe have one or two. Now my friend is telling the principle of our school about the fight, and it's just turning into a big mess. His family is also expecting to move, if his dad gets the job he applied for. What should I do about this?