i have samsung ht-tz255 home theater
do i can connect it to my pc and use it ?
Responses (3)
Yes, you can just connect this to your pc, but idk what pc you've got.
Anyway check if you have a sound card, they support 7.1 surround systems, some expensive motherboards do as well.
If you don't know what you pc motherboard supports just plug them in and try to test it with a 7.1 surround system checker
i got a much more simple way buy the plug that got the yellow/red or yellow/white the the speaker plug on it then plug it in ur pc then the yellow/red or yellow/white to the sound system i done that and i got 2 subs and 3 surround sound speakers running on my pc with a 25 cd stacker....
i connect it with ghraphic card and nothing
i plug it with dvr cable from output home theater to ati video card on my pc audio hdmi device gost ready (Digital audio (HDMI) ) but i can hair anything from home theater speker !???