How can I become more sarcastic and stop taking other children so seriously??

Responses (1)

You don't say what your age is, what situation you are in, or any details at all. What you are talking about is called social skill. You mostly learn that from watching how your parents act, or your teacher, or even watching movies. For example, a lot of people grew up watching Scooby Doo cartoons, and that is why you occasionally hear somebody say "Rut ro."

I suggest you go to and watch a few movies. !950 to 1960 was the era of good taste in entertainment. What you want is to learn elegance, acting like an ambassador. "Sarcastic" is a no-no. That is like gun play: there is always someone better than you. But if you act like an ambassador, you can always be the best at it, even among other ambassadors.

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Clark Gable is a wonderful example of how to treat ladies. You can watch anything in that list if it appeals to you. And just forget about being sarcastic. Sarcasm is scorn, and people don't like to be scorned.