How can I ask a married woman for a date? We both like each other obviousely in a flirty way?

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well first you have to figure out if her husband and her are together or their separated this would be the first thing if she is married do you see the husband are they okay cause you don't want to be putting your nose into something that it isn't suppose to be in i would leave well enough alone unless you figure out she is free of him or gives you any information that supports the facts

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Well, they are married and have children as well.
However, a lot of times I find her alone, there were alot of times when we go out late and she would never return untill late at night. I have not gotten any thing that could help me to figure out her relationship with her husband, but there are many stuff that she does as flirting with me. The places that she takes me to, and the way she dresses explains it all. I actually like her a lot, but I want to see how she thinks about me as well. I'm usually a straightforward guy, whatever I have feeling to say, its always on top of my tongue. But not this time. How do you think should I approach her?