How can I as a 14 year old invest in order to generate more money?

Answers (2)


1. ask parents for money in exchange for chores
2. sell some of your stuff

really, being 14, there arent a lot of ways.

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The first rule of investing is not to make money, it is to avoid losing what you have. Right now the nation is collapsing, so any investment that doesn't lose money is about to get stolen to cover the government's debts. You might not believe that, but that is exactly what Greece did. Germany has set up legislation to do the same thing, and other countries are seriously considering the idea. In truth, there is nothing else they can do, and the nation will continue collapsing anyway. The only safe investment is anything you can hold, such as food in the house, a few changes of clothing, precious metals, and so forth.

There is no investment right now that is outrunning inflation except precious metals. Investors hate PMs but they have averaged 14% growth annually since 2002, even after a big drop in the last couple of years. PMs are also the ultimate tax dodge because you only buy metals, never sell, so tax does not apply. You trade metals, like for like, so there is no reporting, no cash gain, and no tax. Metals never go toes up so you have safety there. You store your metals at home, not in any company's vault, so you are protected from any theft short of a desperado physically breaking into your home and searching out your hiding place. Here are some links where you can learn the business: Pick a name, read, repeat. THE PLAN A forum for like minded people.

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