I'm in sixth grade going into seventh. I hate eating celery and other crap. I eat big portions and i'm 5'9". I weigh 171 lbs. right now and i have the build of my dad. (broad shoulders and huge gut) I also want to be very muscular because i am starting football in the fall. Im also wanting to start this new body of mine for girls. my brother is very tall, skinnny, muscular and fast. i want to be like him but im the complete opposite. im slow, fat, weak, and im a couch potato. so, what stuff can i do?
Responses (2)
the best thing is to watch your portion sizes. you don't need to stop eating junk food altogether but you do need watch how much you eat. especially if you don't like exercising. people who exercise less don't need as much calories. fast food doesn't help either. stay away from frozen foods. i like snacks better than meals. and cut the amount of surgar you eat by half. also remember not to eat until you're hungry.