im allergic to my parents 5 dogs. i cant afford to move out and they refuse to get rid of the dogs. 3 of them are chiuhiuas and are not house trained. they are about 3 yrs old. they go to the bathroom on a rug in the hallway. (this way we can wash and reuse instead of pads) however im the only one to clean after them. im also the only one who suffers because of them. we have hard wood floors where they potty but they always miss the rug and now the floors begining to rot. i feel like i smell dog pee every where i go. i cant get away from it and im the only one willing to clean and train them. i would rather give them better homes but they arent mine to give up. i try so many products and spend all the little money i do have on cleaning products. now one of my housetrained dogs sees the other dogs go potty in the house so he thinks its ok to do it. it not fair to him to have to go out i n the rain or snow to go potty while the other ones are in a nice cozy home going whereever they like.
how can i train them all?
what cleaning products can i use for odor urine on hardwood floor?
perferbally inexpensive and actually work. or anything that works at all. im just tired of spending time and money on nothing.
any little piece of advice is sooo greatly appretiated. thank you