Every two or three days I have this dream, I'm in an endless field with long grass, I'm sitting down I can't move, it's always bright and sunny, I've never had a dream involving another person and I've had this dream all my life, there's a giant number in the sky, every year it goes down one, its at one at the moment, at the end of the dream I always get this feeling of dread worse than when a close family member died, I don't know why. Does the number mean something and what's this horrible feeling? It's not necessarily scary i just can't stop thinking about it lately, the more I think about it the more worried I get.
Answers (1)
this is weird because reoccurring dreams are extremely rare. especially in your case,
the best thing to do if your REALLY EXTREMELY TERRIBLY worried about it is to see a psychologist because they specialize in dream interpretation. But here's how to do it yourself.
You have to look at all life's events that could even remotely relate to this dream, including thoughts occurring to it such as a date your looking forward to or an age.
since you say theres not too much fear attached to it that can help interpret something and its not necessarily bad.
in reality only you can figure it out so i suggest some reasearch on dream interpetation but rule out dictionary style things like tree=parents or dog= loyalty, freinds because dreams work out differently for everyone.
good luck