So I'm 15 yo and i have a horrible time trying to sleep, I only get 4 or 5 hours of sleep (if that much) every night, it's not the dark, but what is in the dark (I fear the unknown) that i am afraid of. I have Delayed sleep-phase syndrome (DSPS), Anxity, and Depression, so it is very easy for my mind to wander. Also, like a small child i hate to have a limb uncovered or hanging off my bedside because i feel as if something will touch me and I over all just feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed by everything. Plus, much of my family have mental problems ex:(depression, anxity, sleep apnea) and i fear i may soon develop Sleep Paralysis or "Old hag's syndrome". It would be of much help if you have any suggestions or advice, i will gladly take it Thank you.