... pregnant. They got in an argument at the house because he found out she was pregnant, and was not excited about it. She hit him and so he shoved her out of the way and she filed for a domestic violence protection. He spent a night in jail we are currently waiting to see if she will drop the DVP and also waiting for his court date. (Should you know her ex boyfriend went through the same situation when she got pregnant with her first child) She is now being very controlling and saying that it is fine for my brother not to have anything to do with his child. Although he wants too we are afraid she will get full custody or keep the child away from all of us. Is this possible? Also, I feel as if she is a very unfit mother. She lets her daughter set in filthy diapers for hours at a time. Has no job, no schooling, makes the child set in a car seat for hours to watch tv so she doesn't have to deal with it. This is from what I have witnessed at my own home. If my she would to get full custody of my brother and her child could I as and aunt file for any kind of legal rights? Such as visitation? There are no grandparent rights in West Virginia but I honestly do not know about aunt and uncle rights. PLEASE HELP