my diet isn't the healthist in the world either and i've had extra work from college too, my scalp is riddled with dandruff and when i lightly run anything or pull lightly on my hair i'll nearly always get atleast 1-2 strands, using a comb is just plain scary and washing my hair has become a risk but i've only really noticed in the last week alone. so am i going bald? p.s. my dad and uncle are both bald and my dad went bald in his early twenties. p.p.s if i am going bald what can i do about it? p.p.p.s if i'm not going bald i still want to know what can i do about it. thank you.
Answers (2)
Male pattern baldness is passed on through the mother's genes, not the father's so it doesn't matter much if your dad is bald.
You mentioned exams. One of the key factors in temporary hair loss is stress. When I did exams aged 16, the stress was intolerable and made me quite ill. I'd imagine you'll be fine when everything calms down again.