This is a weird and interesting story my dad related to me about an incident in his childhood... Before we start let me just say my dad isn't the kind to make up stuff (doesn't have an ounce of creativity) and I also asked my aunt about this when I visited her n she confirmed she witnessed the same thing... My dad grew up in Mumbai and this incident he related occurred sometime in the 1960s.. It seems that it was something passed on from one Christian house to another in the area... Something that looked like a disc with a slightly convex top, pale pink or flesh colored.. My dad estimates its size to be about 7 - 8 inches in diameter and about an inch or two thick... Once this thing is brought to the house it is placed in a vessel and brewed black tea (cooled) is poured over it... The next day the tea appears frothy and it is poured out and replaced with fresh tea... The disc thingy is left u disturbed..The tea that was poured out is then drunk by the family members and my dad swears the thing tasted like wine... The next day the same process is repeated and this is continued for seven days.. At the end of the 7th day the disc is lifted out and a similar disc is found underneath attached to it... Almost like it replicated... The two discs r then separated and the new one passed onto the next family... The old disc MUST be thrown into the sea... This 'phenomenon' had a religious association as the tea should only be drunk after the family prays a rosary together... My dad is under the impression that this must be some kind of organism since it has to be thrown into the sea n all and personally I think the 'wine' like taste was probably an effect of some fermentation process... Can anyone one shed some light on this? Have u guys heard anything like this before?