... in the market. Therefore, I need your feedback on my product.

My product is a portable recording booth with a hood. Based on my experience with recording booths, they create clearer audio, when they are completely enclosed; just like a traditional walk-in style recording booth. Yet, when it comes to portable booths or reflection filters on the market, they have an open or partially covered design. So, my idea is to provide a portable booth with an enclosed design.

To help me with my assessment, I need a minimal of 10 people to provide feedback to 5 of the 6 questions I have below. Your responses are greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

If you can, please answer at least 5 of the 6 questions below.

1.) What do you think of it (in short detail)?
2.) How much would you pay for it?
3.) How would you improve it?
4.) What are the strongest features of this product?
5.) What are some other uses for this product?
6.) What demographic do you see using this product the most?

Thanks again!!
