Im 13. My parents have been married for 17 years. I understand that its for the best for them to get a divorce. But it is very hard for me and my little sister. I need some advice on how to handle this.
Responses (3)
I'm 12 but my parents are not divorced.
But I do know things that might help.
Make sure you still see both of your parents regularly.
Talk about it with your parents, they are getting divorced but you should always talk about what you feel.
And I don't know how old your sister is but make sure she also does these things and if she's little, try to explain it to her and tell her that if she has questions about it she SCHULD ask them to whoever she wants.
Therapy can be very helpful. To help maintain your mood make sure you are getting enough sleep, food, exercise and time with your friends. When you are stressed it is easy to forget to take care of yourself. Don't be ashamed that you are having a hard time. It will get easier with time. I went through something similar.