I have mild depression which really messes me up in every way possible !
I have only told my gf and parents that I have the condition, but don't want to tell anyone else as I feel ill be told to man up and just get called lazy :(
I have pushed everyone away in my life and I can't stop it :(
My main reason for this question is because I don't know if I'm being stupid or it's what most people would think.
My so call friends recently have just booked a holiday away and I was never asked, but once asking them they made up some crap excuse. There reply was we asked 4 people and didn't want to 5 people. Am I being panaroid or not ?? They didn't want me to go is my feeling. Was does everyone else think :/ ?
If they didn't want me to go I would of had enough of them and wouldn't want to talk to then every again !! This has been winding me up for a few date and didn't know where else to turn too.
I hope you nice people can help me in anyway please :)
Thank you for your reply :) I used to be the most laid back person in the world till this depression started and wouldn't of care or thought it over and over like this. Do you feel that I should just back off my current friends and go out and make new friends ?
Thank you for understanding and being very kind :) I hope you are well and feeling better in yourself and stronger minded :)