... Im scared to do grape seed oil pull for a broken tooth with abscess because I think it will be painful. what is the likelihood of something bad happening from it. and how badly will it hurt to do the oil pull? will it hurt at all during it or only sooth it?
Responses (3)
Go to your dentist immediately. If this tooth has had a root canal it will need to be extracted. Do NOT get a root canal. You can TRY to heal the tooth with oil pulling (read about it) I use coconut oil. I would have them redo the filling and go to a different dentist.
Read the dangers of root canals. They WILL get infected. It's a dead tooth after the roots are removed. You don't want it in your body. There is no blood supply for your body to fight off the infection. It will only get worse. Your'e better off getting the tooth extracted then opting for RCT. Once a tooth is dead or so far gone it needs to be removed.
Try oil pulling gently with coconut oil as it kills bacteria.
I know this from personal experience and wish someone would have informed me before I ever got root canals and crowns.