im 15 and ive been self harming since i was 5. cutting since i was 10. i took an online test and it says i probably have dependant personaltiy disorder. when im alone i get depressed and i cut. i always think of how to commit suicide and how it would be so easy. i say that i dont care what people think but i do. when people say hurtful things or critisize me i get really deeply hurt. i always feel as if nobody likes me and that people talk about me behind my back. im scared of literally everything so i wont go into details about that. i get attached really quickly to people i just meet and get depressed if they ignore me. when i was younger i used to obsess over different things and took small stuffed animals with me even at school and to bed up untill i was like 11. i always feel as if someone is watching me. i always get told what to do and geet pushed around alot. im a doormat.and ive been with my boyfriend for 7 months and he ignores me and i think hes cheating on me but i cant leave him... well thats my story and it would be wonderful if someone could help me