
I'm trying to figure out what grade I have on my class right now and I'm having trouble figuring it out because some things changed in the class.

This is the grading system:

3 exams = 20% each
Final Exam = 25%
Homework = 15%

Final Score will be calculated like this:

.15(HW%) + .2( 3Exam%) + .25(final%) = percent score

(percent score - 55)/10 will scale from range 0.0 to 4.0

Now my class made some changed,

we only took one exam and one other exam with the lower score will be dropped. I believe we wont be talking the third exam as we will be going straight to the final. So im most likely only going to be graded on one exam and one final plus the homework.

How will I be able to calculate my grade now?

Thanks for the help in advance