I weighed 14-14 1/2 stone and ate 3500cal per day, now i cut the junk and have started eating healthy now i have ate 1300-1500cal per day for 2 1/2 weeks! I weighed myself naked at the start and weighed myself today and now i weight 13 stone is this possible i only worked out twice instensifly! Is this a trick and is this possible! i thought i would lose 1 stone in about 2 months but not this quick! some reassurance would be great!
Answers (1)
You need to read some books about nutrition so you know how to eat right. Calories have nothing to do with it. You should be eating about 0.4 gram of complete protein per pound of body weight every day, counting only 6 grams per egg, 12 grams per glass of milk, and 24 grams per quarter pound of meat. Eat veggies with every meal, or whole grain bread every day, to keep your bowel movements regular.
Fat is made of carbon and hydrogen. The only way it comes out of the body is if it is turned into carbon dioxide and water and then it comes out through the lungs. So that involves a lot of heavy breathing, and that means jogging or aerobic dancing. Figure on losing one pound per week when you are doing things right.
The result you have seen comes from not knowing what you are doing. You might have weighed before dumping at the start. It is normal to lose three pounds or more of poop, and you say you were eating less, so you probably just lost seven pounds of poop and/or water. Stop worrying about weight and concentrate on building health.
Turns out it was water weight lol you where completely incorrect