... children, ages of 10 yrs old, 8, 4 and 10 months. My youngest was a preemie she arrived 3 months earlier and only recently have we finally gotten to a place where my husband and I feel we comfortable with our routine. Both my husband and I work 50 hours per week and juggle dropping off our (2) oldest children off in the mornings to school, our 4-year-old with a grandparent to be taken to preschool and the baby at my mother's in the morning before work. My husband and I have the luxury of working together for my mother-in-law for a Staffing Agency, the work days can be very stressful. After work we juggle getting kids picked up from school and dropped off at my mother's till we get out of work for the day, if we are lucky the kids are picked up by 5:30pm most days it is more like 6pm. It is safe to say that my mother then works 55 hours per week, with us dropping off kids by 7am and picking up kids at 6pm. My husband is the Sales Manager for the business and attends board meetings and other social activities throughout the week to building relationships to better the business; because of this, he will be gone 3 nights per week till about 8pm at the most earlier.

Next week activities for the kids start up again and we'll be juggling getting children to dance classes Thursday nights, Friday nights and Saturday's during the day.

If this isn't enough I have been dealing with depression that has gotten so bad I finally told my husband that I needed to speak with a physician about my feelings and thoughts.

Not to say that I don't enjoy my life I love my life and I know just how very blessed I am with having a wonderful husband who puts his family first, healthy children and a job that offers the rewarding aspect of helping others support their families.

I felt I needed to explain this first because the concern or issue that has recently been brought to my attention is that my sister-in-law is upset that my husband and I don't offer to watch her child or babysit her child more often, we are asked at least once a week to watch our nephew but my sister-in-law feels we don't want him, she is a single parent by choice and hasn't always been the most respectful, mature and responsible person. We will usually commit to watching him between 1 to 2 times per week for her during her night shifts. She recently told me that it hurts her when she asks her brother to watch her son and his response will be no we can't on Saturday because we are going to a wedding or no because we are going to a birthday party. My sister-in-law and mother-in-law have it in their mind that since we already have (4) children what is one more child?

Am I being selfish? Are the in-laws being unrealistic?