I am ashamed of my body. For example if I am at the the pool with my friends and my BOYFRIEND and if I am out tanning I don't like to show the top of my back or even let him put sunscreen on me because I have a mole and if I lie on my back so everyone can see my tummy I don't like it because I have bumps on my tummy all over the place and I don't like it plus I think I fat but ally friends say I'm not. Please help I really need it any ideas. Also on my armpit I have a skin tag so I don't like having my arms up!
Responses (3)
u shouldnt have to change to make anyone else happy, you should be happy with your body the way it is unless of course you have health problems from being overweight in that case a diet may be the answer. as for the mole, unless its causing you pain then dont let it bother you. they are a perfectly normal part of your body and shouldnt be thought of as bad because they are not. i have 2, one on the back of my neck and one on my thigh and they dont bother me at all. skin tags can be removed if it bothers you, i remove my bfs all the time, can be done either by cutting off or by tying string around it to stop the blood flow and it will fall off eventually. as for your friend whos calling you fat, id say stop bothering with this person as the person clearly doesnt care about your feelings to be calling you fat and is a bad friend by calling you names. good luck x