My biggest passion has always been the mountains. I grew up in a village located directly at the base of a 3000m mountain and worked there 4 seasons at a refuge. Of course I've had the experience of people getting injured or worse up there and it always bothered me that I couldn't help more although I was right there. That's also the reason why I got interested in medicine. In a few months I am starting my three-year paramedic training and would like to know how I can become a mountain rescuer afterwards. I am aware that most of the people are doing it voluntarily but I would like to do it professionally. While being on a rescue I don't want to worry about me getting late to my job. Being there 100% for everyone's sake is very important to me. If anyone has any information I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
PS. Wouldn't mind moving to another country for my dream job.
PS 2. If this is any help I also speak fluently German and Greek