Since I remember myself, I ve always been overweight.
My height is currently 5 8.5 but i ve never gained any much inches during a certain period.
I ve been 5 8.5 for over 2years, eventhough, according to height prediciton I can reach 5 11.
I ve started working out, exercising and running few months ago.
But I don t feel as I grow and get fitter.
I feel as being overweight ruined my life.
I m already 19 and I didnt reach my fully height potential and probably won t.
I drun and I stretch after a run and before going to sleep.
I ve been stuck this height for amlost 3years.
I know I ve been silly since i ve never taken care of my weight earlier.
Please guys, I know my height is just fine, but i should have grown more.
I will not be able to forgive myself since I ve done it to myself, I ve ruined my life.
Please help me out.
I need help, motivation and some hope from you guys.
Best regards and thanks for reading all of the above,