This happened a few years back but I never got a definite answer of what it was and I am just curious...

It wasn't like I was asleep when it happened, but for some reason I woke up from sleeping, it was at night and I was too tired to move. So I was really sleepy and drowsy when I woke up. I remember the reason I woke up was because every thing was loud. And by loud I mean, I felt like I was in the middle of a busy street in New York. I heard cars zooming bg, honking, the chatter of people, I felt like I was actually there. And it was LOUD. I kept concentrating on the noise but I eventually fell back asleep.

I know it wasn't my parents watching TV bc 1) they don't put the volume up that high, for me to feel like I was in a middle of a busy street. 2) I assumed it was really late at night or early in the morning (such as 2am,) so they wouldn't watch TV around then. Same goes for my sister

I was wonder what it could be? Thanks!