... appear.there are 4 or 5 of them,2 in the middle of my tongue and 1 on the side, and a couple tender new spots.im freaking out. is it cancer?im 16 yr old male,but i smoke marijuana daily, and tobacco when some one has a ciggarette, and some. im worried is this somthing to be concerned about.i tried to brush them off with a toothbrush and hydrogen peroxide,but just rubbed of pieces of skin'ish tounge pieces. i cant even talk to girls dogg.is it contagious maybe?i also around the same time started to get a,sorda dry feeling oval shaped blister on the inside/top off my bottom lip!am i going to die?i was watching one of rick simpsons movies things on hemp oil.if it can cure all the things he was talkin bout,will it help me?i really need to know. please help!p.s. i have also had a awful sounding cough that is full of drk/lite green flem shit.??