He dose not went sex or anything a know for a fact. He wants to wait till im 18 Which I am no longer a virgin. He is very respectful to me and makes me happy.he has asked my brother for permission to talk to me and told him about his feelings towards me, which alot of guys/boys are scared of my bro. He is always there for me because I have alot of family problems and he motivates me to do better in school. He rather had a conversation and open up then kiss me . DO YOU THINK IT COULD WORK OUT EVEN THOUGH THERE IS A BIG AGE DIFFERENCE?
Responses (5)
Much to young, he won't wait until you're 18, neither will you. He's a grown man and you are a minor, just saying. There are laws on the books to protect under age girls from grown men . If he puts it on you right and good and long there's nothing you wouldn't do for him if he ask you to.
its possible im working out my relationship now and im 15 and hes 21 and he will wait i dont care what adults think thats not all he wants its just that they think the worlds gone bad they dont understand that not everyone is cold hearted and cruel because he isnt and its sounds like you guy is worth it 2 so i say go 4 it but be careful