in the second month my fiance and i were dating he cheated on me with a married woman. we moved to another state and when we returned the woman saw me with him and got angry and said they had a one time affair. and it was around the same time i cheated on him with my ex but i told jim i did. but everytime i ask him did he do it he says no and gets mad at me for asking but I KNOW HE DID. but i did as well. i dated he and my ex at the same time. we are now frriends i know he is not the cheating type but he knew this woman before he met me and i guess when he and i had some small issues he turned to her and had sex with her. i found out like 6 months later and i dont know what to do. it bothers me in my sleep. i feel like i will never be able to move forward until he comes out with the truth or i just let iy go. but how do i do that? i was thinking about asking him the day before our wedding day.