This time last week, I did two hill runs (about 1.5km up and 1.5 km down) the day after the hill was a lot steeper that I ran up. I'm pretty much a beginner when it comes to hills. I've done some but not a lot. Then the following day, I did squats at mixed martial arts and had really sore thighs and stretched them out. Then I went for a run after my rest day and did a limp run/ walk and walked up the hill for a cafe treat. It was slow so didn't put pressure on my knee since I limped mainly.
My fitness is up because I'm
Halfway through my half marathon plan and I've done 3 before. It's a plan for an actual event so it's not increasing too quickly in terms of distance.
I'm not old either, I'm 16 years old
My inner knee hurts when I walk on it and feels unstable. It hurts to walk down hill, run, cycle and squat. It only sometimes hurts when bending slightly mainly when it's for a long time, but it hurts more when I'm laying on my back with my leg straight. I think it locks idk
At first I thought maybe it's runners knee and it'll come right. But I'm not sure. It hurts more than overuse injuries have hurt in the past. Could it be potentially doing the squats on sore legs and that's torn a ligament? I know no one can make a diagnosis but just wondering.