... take alcohol usually very well, I get drunk quick but I'm usually just very bubbly and have a lot of energy. If I drink too much I feel sick so I make myself sick, drink a full glass of water, chill for 10-15 minutes and I'm fine to carry on. Last night I drank about 8 drinks. On Friday I drank about the same and was absolutely fine, I've even checked the units I drank both nights and I actually had more Friday. I woke up the saturday morning and the only problem was I had a headache. This morning I woke up and was confused, disoriented, dizzy, feeling sick. The last thing I remember was heading to the toilet and locking myself in shouting help. I remember feeling like I'd lost control of my body, I was very floppy and couldn't even sit upright. But really I can't remember the rest of the night, one minute I was fine, just pretty drunk, the next I was losing control of my body, within the space of about half an hour. Then I can't remember. My boyfriend said I was horrible, shouting at everyone, saying I hate him, saying 'let me be sick', screaming help, but I couldn't physically lift myself up. I'm very embarrassed and scared about what happened. My boyfriend didn't even sleep in his bed with me, he slept on the floor cause he didn't want me to be sick on him. Could I have been spiked? This isn't me at all :(