I am a gymnast and ballerina myself, 10 Yrs Old. I don't have classes but I think I am good. I can do a handstand, handstand not on the wall, back flip, front flip, front jump flip on the trampoline and bar work, Routines. I can do. But I think I am not flexible as before, I now can't do any splits including front split, left leg in front split and right leg in front spilt. I am trying so hard to be in the gymnastics team, But I am the smallest If i enter and Also I won't be able to have classes. Cause the first time I went to a class, they were all 5 yr olds and I was the only big one. i don't want that to happen again, but I really need to get my gym skills much better. What should I do :(?.....
Pls. Help and ask friends.. Thx... :)