I just tried out a group fitness class for the 1st time after working out at home with exercise videos for more than 4 years. Now, the trainer/instructor did not correct form of the class, but kept pushing us to do the exercises faster. He has been known to get results in the members who attend (weight loss, tone, strength, etc). I don't want to suffer from exercise-related injury which I think the members will suffer if they keep this up with him. At the same time, I tend to not push myself hard enough when I am working out solo at home. I can't seem to make up my mind to join this class for a month as I need to lose 2-4 lbs within a month for my cousin's wedding. What do I do? Should I join or not?
Responses (1)
Group fitness class is a better place for workouts from an atmosphere perspective but there can be issues with trainers and instructors not being able to focus on those that are new or inexperienced with a particular class. I suggest looking for an alternative instructor or speaking to the instructor beforehand and letting them know you need some help with technique. Once they’re aware they should be able to keep an eye on you. Maybe move up the front. That’s a good spot for beginners.