So my graphics card has not only fallen far behind in terms of power but has literally begun to physically degrade (fans overheating and shutting off etc.)
Here are my specs;
GPU: Geforce GTX 570
CPU: Intel(R) Core (TM) 17-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Memory: 16.00 GM RAM (15.98 GB usable)
Driver version: 368.69
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
In the distant future I intend to make a heavy investment in a brand new gaming rig, but in the meantime id like to just replace this tired old card with something that can at least run WoW (seriously) without sounding like a jet engine and cutting to black.
Aiming for something cheap (less than 200$) was considering a GTX 750 perhaps??? I've never installed a graphics card on my own before and am not sure what to look out for, any advice on cards/installation appreciated.