Hello, Today in Oxford, Ohio, I was pulled over for running a stop sign. My side is that I really did not see the stop sign at all. While waiting when the officer ran my license, I turned to ask my friend in the passenger seat if she saw a stop sign at the location the officer mentioned. She said she did not as well. It was raining and I had just moved to the town 2 days prior (I am a new grad student) and honestly, while driving, I was also looking at street names as I am not familiar with the area, making sure I turn on the street I was supposed to to get back to my apartment.

I have had my license for close to 5 years now and this is my first ever ticket/violation. Missing/not seeing the stop sign is definitely my fault. I am just wondering if there is anything I can do or what steps I should take? Whether to reduce my fine or to not have points on my license for insurance, etc. As a side note, I fully cooperated with the officer and apologized. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

And now i just got a voicemail from the officer stating that he was looking at the citation and put down the wrong location for where i ran the stop sign and told me to call him back. I have not yet called him back.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!