... for. The cats are 50 each a month. I am ok with her hiding the cats, but then she deiceds to let a dog stay here for two hours without anyone here to watch it. Thing is she did not even ask if she could leave the dog here. If anyone found out we would be fined a lot but for some reason she thinks its all fine. After that the person that was going to leave the dog at our APT did not leave the key above the door. I do not think leaving a key above the door was a good idea. In the apartment complex the doors are close together and the halls are clean so you can see that there is a key above the door. well she text me saying if I took the key down from the door? Well no I did not. She got into the apt but she never told me that she has the key. She is mad at me for getting mad at her but she was in the wrong. Am I wrong about this?