... wanted to know if I can do anything about any of the things or if I should just let it go and move out. First since I've moved in for whatever reason they never receive my money orders. I take my receipts to the manager in the office just to proof I've paid my rent. (We send money orders to a different state) One time that I spoke to the owners assistant he told me I had a balance of $300 but didn't know where it came from??? Second the manager and other employees come into my apartment without me being home and without letting me know first. I mean the owners assistant is always calling me so why can't they call me to let me know they need to go into my apartment? Third never was I told I need to make a $300 deposit to have a satalite dish outside they just took it. really want to move out but they want to charge me $4,000 to break my lease. I rented here because I was a first time renter and said wth but now I want to do something about it because I can't just pull out $4,000