... into a cute little common frog with a good appetite however one of the back legs is deformed, it doesn't bend and sticks straight out. The frog gets around okay but is awkward and kinda clumsy. The plan was to let it go and I still want to but I worry it may have a harder time hunting and be easy prey. What would you do?
Responses (1)
Frogs aren't usually kept as pets, but since you've raised it from a tadpole, all it has known is captivity and being tame.
If you let it go in the wild, it won't know how to defend itself. If it has a funny leg, he's definitely easy prey, because predators pick up on that fairly easily.
I think, since you've already raised him, you should keep him. Start buying amphibian food at the pet store, and let him/her eat any bugs that happen to get in the house. Let your pet store know that you've been raising a frog, and they'll help get you started on what kind of habitat you can make for him/her.