I have already tried resetting the modern thing and my IPs are automatic for it, it's not a new router and I have windows 8. I just got my desktop from Ibuypower.com. Help I spent a lot of money on this thing and would like to use it at some point.
Responses (1)
Doesn't matter, I'm sure your router and modem are fully functional but you need to configure the IP settings on your new PC. If you have a contract with an ISP to provide internet access then they'll be the best ones to tell you how to set up your new PC to access it. Its possible someone could do it if they were sat there next to you but the experts are used to doing by phone. Normally win 8 will automatically recognize and autoconfigure your settings if this isn't happening then there is another issue, probably a very simple one...
Anyway, good luck with it and let's see if someone else has an idea.
So I phoned them an figured out it is something with my desktop and not them, I plugged into the router and it worked, I also used a dlink and that works as well the only problem is that I a horrible ping, packet loss and jitter. so it must be my desktop any ideas how to fix this?
Packet loss would be either a very poor signal/connection at very low baud rate OR a faulty physical connection at some point which is interrupting data flow, a loose port connection for example. Beyond that I can't help you, I'm only good to a point and this is about it :(
they are upgrading the towers where I live so I think it's that and found the problem I think with the software of my realtek wireless card type thing. It seems a ton of people have problems with it
I kinda got it to work but it likes to refresh itself in a way so will say connecting and then, internet access, no internet access and then limited access. It will not stay on one of them for long it just loops.
thanks but it doesn't have anything to do with the modern or router so they won't help