... false after all the time it has existed, than why does so many people still doubt the legitimacy of it?
Responses (4)
Religion is a matter of belief rather than of proofs. Most religions have never been "proven false", but they can't all be right either, because they say different things. For example, as a Muslim I say that Jesus was a prophet of the One God, whereas a Christian would say he is a divine part of a Trinitarian (3-element) God. You believe one or the other or something else, based on a mix of logic and faith, that's what Belief is.
If I said there was a big black stone in the centre of the earth, you can't prove that false either.
A lot of it is do to people being in denial and when that happens the door opens to more getting closer to god and not knowing how to address it so basically their looking for answers and not having the answers if you don't have a relationship with god that's where the denial comes in not knowing what can happen because of it.
Christianity is a historical religion, it can be proven. It is only hated because it has no place in this physical world, Jesus Christ was hated, rejected and crucified by men, His disciples suffered persecution even till death, Christians are not exempted from the suffering, persecution, rejection and hatred from this world. Jesus said if they hate Me they will also hate you, that mean as many that are in Christ will be hated and rejected.