... My husband has been looking for his daughter for 18yrs and don't know how to go about doing it now that she is of age and out if her mothers grasp to hold things up. She was born of a teenage mother that didn't want to be with the guy anymore and just plan wanted nothing to do with him anymore. She took her and the baby and left never to look back. Changed the babies name and even had her husband at the time adopt him without my husband knowing until it was to late. My husband was even still paying child support before the courts found out what had happened and discontinued his payments. The daughter would be concidered to some as a military brat now that her adoptive father was in the military. Knowing that she was now tied up with that world my husband knew it would damn near be impossible to find the daughter. Even when he was able to contact family members they would give the bare minimum info because there wasn't much they knew. The mother never kept close to any family members. At this point all his knows is her birth name, her birthdate and they last place he knew of her being, but that was word of mouth. We have no clue what the mother has told her daughter about my husband or if she even knows who her father really is. As a teenage and young man he made mistakes but that was so long ago that it's irrelevant. I just want to know if anyone knows of a place online where a story can be posted for maybe someone to come forth and give some info or away to find someone through birth name?