... waves or an electric current type of feeling that I never had before. It's like I want to throw up, but don't get the watery sensation to do so && I get this feeling all throughout the day with Gas && constipation included (even had a case of hemoroids)
I wake up in the morning feeling sick to my stomach but I don't have the sensation to throw up..
As far as food goes I'll have an appetite for something && make it.. Then don't want it anymore.
Or can't stomach it but it's not ALWAYS like this. My appetite fades in && out
Creamy yellow/white or off white discharge when I wipe.. No stds, no infections! && today was suppose to be the start of my period.. But got the same discharge only it felt like it was the flow of my period when it first starts until I checked... It was the same discharge that I've been having
I'm also very moody && feel like I'm going crazy with rage (could be stress) && it really just feels like pmsX100

Tested negative yesterday, a negative I believe to false