I concieved in March, LMP was 3/8.On 4/20, I started bleeding and went to the hospital where I had an abdominal ultrasound done. I was about 6 weeks at the time. I was told my hcg level was 80 and that I miscarried. However, I still feel pregant and took another hpt two days ago and it came back positive. Should I go back to the doctor sonce it did come out positive and it would be too early at this point to say that it is a different pregnancy?
Responses (1)
i would go back to the doctor cause it may be a different pregnancy if you miscarried it would seem that there would be signs of that happening did you bleed heavy at the time when you miscarried it would have been a large bunch of lining and something that looked the early fetus blood clots but you might be pregnant agian at this point